Remont Powozu Konnego typu.Landauer

  • Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
    Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
  • Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
    Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
  • W trakcie remontu  (During the renovation)
    W trakcie remontu (During the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
  • Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
    Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)