Remont ciężarówki Marki Saurer typ. LC2
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan przed remontem (Before the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)
- Stan po remoncie (After the renovation)